This wordlist is generally used by students preparing for GRE.
Short Definition : having the appearance of truth or reality; probable or likely to be true; plausible
Short Definition : appearance of truth; quality of appearing to be true or real; likelihood; Ex. verisimilitude of her performance as Lady Macbeth
Short Definition : being truly so; real or genuine; actual; not false or imaginary
Short Definition : quality of being true; lasting truth or principle; Ex. the verity of his testimony; Ex. one of the eternal verities
Short Definition : living language (as compared to the official language); language spoken in a country or region; natural style; Ex. lapse into the vernacular
Short Definition : pertaining to spring
Short Definition : having many talents; capable of working in many fields; having many uses or functions; N. versatility
Short Definition : having a backbone or spinal column; N: group of animals having a segmented spinal column
Short Definition : summit; highest point; PL. vertices
Short Definition : severe dizziness; giddiness