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Short Definition : keep as precious; cherish

(noun) accumulated wealth in the form of money or jewels etc.
Synonyms : hoarded wealth
Example Sentence
  • the pirates hid their treasure on a small island in the West Indies
(noun) art highly prized for its beauty or perfection
Synonyms : gem
(noun) any possession that is highly valued by its owner
Example Sentence
  • the children returned from the seashore with their shells and other treasures
(noun) a collection of precious things
Example Sentence
  • the trunk held all her meager treasures
(verb) hold dear
Synonyms : appreciate prize value
Example Sentence
  • I prize these old photographs
(verb) be fond of; be attached to
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for treasure

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TREASURE in great MEASURE was once accumulated by Pirates (sea robbers).

Ram CHARAN(CHERISH) has lot of Treasure


Short Definition : article treating a subject systematically and thoroughly

(noun) a formal exposition
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for treatise

focus on TREATI..almost same as TREATY...now remember treaty between two nations, so it must be a formal written document

A TREATISE or a THESIS is a written book or document on a subject.

treat+ise...focus on treat means deal with a speech or writing or discuss about an issue....so discuss about a treatise...a written essay or exposition


Short Definition : travel; journey; V: make a long difficult journey

(noun) a journey by ox wagon (especially an organized migration by a group of settlers) Definition
(noun) any long and difficult trip Definition
(verb) journey on foot, especially in the mountains
Example Sentence
  • We spent the summer trekking in the foothills of the Himalayas
(verb) make a long and difficult journey
Example Sentence
  • They trekked towards the North Pole with sleds and skis
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for trek

Trecking is a long & tedious trip or a track is through which a journey is taken.

in STAR TREK, they make a long journey to various stars.

trek....sounds like truck....so we can travel in a truck...or journey in truck

every one knows the movie "star trek" means journey of space

A TREK or a HIKE is a long arduous (tiring) journey.

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I don't like trek in a truck and do you?


Short Definition : trembling; slight quiver (as of the earth or from nervous agitation)

(noun) an involuntary vibration (as if from illness or fear)
Synonyms : shudder
(noun) a small earthquake Definition
(noun) shaking or trembling (usually resulting from weakness or stress or disease) Definition
(verb) shake with seismic vibrations
Synonyms : quake
Example Sentence
  • The earth was quaking
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for tremor

Remember Trimmer, a noob's hands will tremble/shake when trimmer is brought near to his neck

Tree+Mor(peacock)....when there is a Mor on a tree, tree tremors....

TREMOR and Shiver are rhyming words which mean, a slight tremble or quiver.

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those who watch seinfeld the comedy show will know how much kramor tremors

tremor sounds like fever..1 quivers in fever or u cn rmmbr it as it sounds like temper so quiver by smbodies temper.


Short Definition : trembling; wavering

(adj) (of the voice) quivering as from weakness or fear
Synonyms : quavering
Example Sentence
  • the old lady's quavering voice
  • spoke timidly in a tremulous voice
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for tremulous

TREMble+nervOUS-->Tremulous is trembling in nervousness or fear

TREMULOUS and NERVOUS are rhyming words with a similar meaning. Both words mean, quivering or shivering with fear.

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think of the word tremble- as in fear


Short Definition : cutting; incisive; keen

(adj) having keenness and forcefulness and penetration in thought, expression, or intellect
Synonyms : searching
Example Sentence
  • searching insights
  • trenchant criticism
(adj) characterized by or full of force and vigor
Synonyms : hard-hitting
Example Sentence
  • a hard-hitting expose
  • a trenchant argument
(adj) clearly or sharply defined to the mind
Synonyms : clear-cut distinct
Example Sentence
  • clear-cut evidence of tampering
  • Claudius was the first to invade Britain with distinct...intentions of conquest
  • trenchant distinctions between right and wrong
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for trenchant

When you chant it is to be very strong, clear and effective

if chant under the tree...it ll be clear and effective


'ant' always walk in straight 'trench' i.e they know which way is right or wrong for them.. they never deviate...

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trenchant:trench+ant;an ant in a trench is sharply perceptive to things because it can see every minute particles.(sharply perceptive)

TRENCHANT and ELOQUENT are rhyming words . Both the words refer to a strong and effective use of language.

when american economy collapsed,keynes asked the us goverment to dig trenches so that they can employ people& govt was SO KEEN to have a solution, they really asked people to dig trenches..

TRENCHANT rhymes with PUNGENT,so the meaning goes(not the exact one though)

TRENCH warfare b/t father and teenage you. He saw right through your ANTic because he was more [keenly perceptive]. Now he still teases you w/ [penetrating remarks] of his [effectiveness] in catching you red handed.

ten chantazz ( severe) or criticism

if ure chatting with 10 people then you must be all knowing or insightful. ten + chat

trend + chant(repeatedly doing something) >>> when a trend goes on and on followed by people, it becomes clear in mind of younger people that that related thing is to be done like that nly... relate it..

train+chant:so when train is chanting the expression is effective n clearly heard or understood

trench+ant...imagine an ant forcefully breaking the trench and vigorously coming your way...


Short Definition : fear; nervous apprehension

(noun) a feeling of alarm or dread
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for trepidation

Intrepid is fearless, so Trepid is fearfull....:P

TRAP - soldier on being trapped had the feeling of trepidation/fear.

Tremble >> Trepidation. As he was afraid, he trembled (Trepidation)

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concentrate on the starting part, it SOUNDS LIKE RAPID, as in river rafting, rapids make everyone feel alarmed

TREPIDATION and CONSTERNATION have the same sound and meaning. The words describe fear or nervousness.

INTREPID (adj) is contrary to TREPID (adj), so TREPIDATION (noun) is contrary to inTREPID as well.

Trip down in an Expedition causes FEAR...U b'come NERVOUS


Short Definition : suffering; ordeal; distress; trial

(noun) an annoying or frustrating or catastrophic event
Synonyms : trial visitation
Example Sentence
  • his mother-in-law's visits were a great trial for him
  • life is full of tribulations
  • a visitation of the plague
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for tribulation

Tribulation~Tribal ; While the group was trekking they were caught by jungle tribal(junglee log In Hindi) and harrased ...It was a period of tribulation for them!

The verdict from a 'Tribunal' is often an annoying/frustrating/catastrophic event for a family.

TRIBes of our nATION undergo only suffering and distress.

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there is always suffering in troubled nation

when TRI:3, BULls r coming towards you to hit you it creates frustrATION n tribulation within you

TRIBULATION (trouble and suffering) and AFFLICTION are both a painful condition.

TRIBULATION (trouble and suffering) and AFFLICTION are both a painful condition.

TRIBULATION=TRIBUTE means tax. so if you fail to pay the tax in time, you must be in distress and suffering condition.

tribute + nation >> a national tribute is paid when the nation SUFFERS a loss of some great personality or is in DISTRESS due to some calamity..


Short Definition : court of justice

(noun) an assembly (including one or more judges) to conduct judicial business
Synonyms : court judicature
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for tribunal

tribal people are badly treated...so dey need a special COURT OF JUSTICE!!

TRIBAL people r treated as NULL (tribu+nal) hence they need justice...!!!

Tribunal~Communal ; For all communal(group of ppl/community) problems we need a tribunal

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TRIBUNAL or JUDICIAL have the same sound. The words refer to a board of officials appointed to pass judgement over a trial.

tribunal=trib(tribals) - unal(sounds like canal).tribal people have fightings over canals so a cout of justice is required to solve the problem.


Short Definition : official of ancient Rome elected by the plebians to protect their rights; protector of the people

(noun) (ancient Rome) an official elected by the plebeians to protect their interests Definition
(noun) the apse of a Christian church that contains the bishop's throne
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for tribune

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TRIBUNE or a PLEBEAN JUDGE or a law official.

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