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Short Definition : lacking self-restraint; not continent; licentious

(adj) not having control over urination and defecation
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for incontinent

on continent or island say, there is no bahtrooms.. sou feel incontinent on continent or island.

continent == "continental food" -- if your health is not ok then u need "self restrain " from eating , ie "incontinent " means "lack of self restrain "

relate continent of [in-CONTINENT] with content thus in-continent is someone who is never content and thus he lacks self restrain and is licentious

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read in as not cont as control and nent as pent so so no control regarding pent

in(no) + continent (content) after 3 wins means John has NO CONTROL over eager to win.


Short Definition : indisputable; impossible to dispute; not open to question; unquestionable

(adj) impossible to deny or disprove
Synonyms : irrefutable positive
Example Sentence
  • incontrovertible proof of the defendant's innocence
  • proof positive
  • an irrefutable argument
(adj) necessarily or demonstrably true
Synonyms : demonstrable
Example Sentence
  • demonstrable truths
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for incontrovertible

in-controvertible; here relate controvertible with controversy thus something which cannot have any controversy is in-controvertible and thus is indisputable


Short Definition : introduce something into a larger whole; include; embody; give material form to; ADJ.

(verb) make into a whole or make part of a whole
Synonyms : integrate
Example Sentence
  • She incorporated his suggestions into her proposal
(verb) include or contain; have as a component
Synonyms : comprise contain
Example Sentence
  • A totally new idea is comprised in this paper
  • The record contains many old songs from the 1930's
(verb) form a corporation Definition
(verb) unite or merge with something already in existence
Example Sentence
  • incorporate this document with those pertaining to the same case
(adj) formed or united into a whole
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for incorporate

IN CORPORATE life you have to integrate and to become united to have greater profits


Short Definition : without a material body; insubstantial

(adj) without material form or substance
Synonyms : immaterial
Example Sentence
  • an incorporeal spirit
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for incorporeal

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in+CORPOREAL...Corporate world has a lot of money(material, substance)...

incorporeal: things which can not be incorporated with the 'real' world.

relate coporeal to corpus and incorporeal to having no body


Short Definition : uncorrectable

(adj) impervious to correction by punishment
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for incorrigible

(in)corr(gible)==in eligible to be corrected or cant be corrected

IN(not)+corrected=which cant be corrected

in corr: can't be corrected; in corrg: like can't be couraged or to say encouraged means not easily influenced

the japanese would call collage corrige, and this cannot be corrected even if you send them to college to punish them.


Short Definition : tendency to disbelief

(noun) doubt about the truth of something
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for incredulity

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it like this in(not)+cred(belief)+ulity......so here (root)cred always means belief...in(not)+cred(belief)=not to belive....disbelief

in(not) + credit >> one who does not give credit to others, actually does not believes that person is capable of doing this great work.. so he disbelives the person..


Short Definition : withholding belief; skeptical; showing disbelief

(adj) not disposed or willing to believe; unbelieving
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for incredulous

in (means not)+cred(means showing or having belief)...so someone who does not have belief on something and someone, hence very skeptical about their nature.

in (means not)+cred(credit)... someone does not give any credit to what you say when she/he does not believe in you


Short Definition : increase

(noun) a process of becoming larger or longer or more numerous or more important
Synonyms : growth increase
Example Sentence
  • the increase in unemployment
  • the growth of population
(noun) the amount by which something increases
Synonyms : increase
Example Sentence
  • they proposed an increase of 15 percent in the fare


Short Definition : accuse of or implicate in a crime; serve as evidence against; cause to seem or make guilty of a crime; Ex. incriminating evidence

(verb) suggest that someone is guilty
Synonyms : imply inculpate
(verb) bring an accusation against; level a charge against
Synonyms : accuse criminate impeach
Example Sentence
  • The neighbors accused the man of spousal abuse
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for incriminate

here we need to remember two things the prefix IN intensifies or strengthen the suffix added to it. suffix here is criminate= to make some one criminal in-criminate = make someone further a criminal thus we we accuse someone who had a previous

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incriminate => take it as discriminate..differentiate between criminal and victim.accuse someone & discriminate by serving as evidence against.

incriminate -> insinuate that someone is criminal !

in + criminate(provide proof against a criminal) >>> to put the criminal in the jail... provide evidence against..


Short Definition : hard coating or crust; V. incrust: encrust; cover with a crust

(noun) the formation of a crust
Synonyms : encrustation
(noun) a hard outer layer that covers something
Synonyms : crust encrustation
(noun) a decorative coating of contrasting material that is applied to a surface as an inlay or overlay
Synonyms : encrustation
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for incrustation

in + crust + ation -> something thats covered in crust viz. coated...

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