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    volition - Dictionary definition and meaning for word volition

    (noun) the capability of conscious choice and decision and intention
    Synonyms : will
    Example Sentence
    • the exercise of their volition we construe as revolt
    (noun) the act of making a choice
    Synonyms : willing
    Example Sentence
    • followed my father of my own volition
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for volition

Volition: Voting- Politicion

voluntary action

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Remember "violation". It means "act of not complying to one's will" (e.g., harassment etc.,). "volition" sounds pretty much like that but, opposite in meaning.

Volition (Volley + Shun):Act of making a conscious decision. Volley : Volley Ball Shun : To Stop Concerning his degrading grades Nikhil "MADE A CONSCIOUS DECISION" of holding his participation in VOLLEY BALL MATCHES.

viola i found the right choice in gre question mcqs

BHOLI भोली(ingenue/gullible) SON has not volition as his parents take all desions.

volition sounds like volatile...n u sud me careful while handaling t volatile materials

vOli(P)TION v (we) want options for choosing...that is free will option of chosing

Volition is to be at one's discretion.

volichan: it mean choice


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