• word of the day


    conjugal - Dictionary definition and meaning for word conjugal

    (adj) of or relating to marriage or to the relationship between a wife and husband
    Synonyms : connubial
    Example Sentence
    • connubial bliss
    • conjugal visits
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for conjugal

in Indian music we have JUGALbandi, which is harmony of 2 different intruments...can imply marriage frm it

con = together,and u+ur gal=u and ur girl want to stay together forever,you get married!!

in certain bacteria and algae, conjugation tube is a structure through which sperm is transfered to female body.

con+jugal.jugal bandi---> couple--->marriage

CONCERNING + YUGAL(HINDI word meaning couple or pair)

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Con<together> + jugal.read it as hindi word yugal (couple)..so conjugal means the event in which the couple meet...i.e. ''MARRIGE''

ConJugal : you see a girl and you like her and wanna marry her.. then you say I wanna CON-U -GAL .. ( ask her for marriage- so conjugal: Pertaining to marriage arrangement)

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