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    turbid - Dictionary definition and meaning for word turbid

    (adj) (of liquids) clouded as with sediment
    Synonyms : cloudy , mirky , muddy , murky
    Example Sentence
    • a cloudy liquid
    • muddy coffee
    • murky waters
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for turbid

T+URBID(urban) we can see that the urban areas are still muddy.. and disturbed sediment.

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When you walk into a lake and the water is disTURBeD, the water becomes TURBID

TURBID=TURBINE. The TURBINES on a boat can churn up the water and make it TURBID and murky.

TURBID sounds as in "WATERBED"...When WATERBED is disturbed..the water automatically becomes muddy ;)

might have heard the word turbidity in chemistry..

You experience TURBulance when you are on in a plane going through CLOUDY areas

turbid== turbulence in the bed. disturbance in the bed of sea or water container creates muddy liquid by disturbing the sediments

tainted water bed

TURBID and CLOUDED are rhyming words defining the same meaning i.e something unclear or muddy.

turbid: The water in turbine is very muddy


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