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    murky - Dictionary definition and meaning for word murky

    (adj) (of liquids) clouded as with sediment
    Synonyms : cloudy , mirky , muddy , turbid
    Example Sentence
    • a cloudy liquid
    • muddy coffee
    • murky waters
    (adj) dark or gloomy
    Synonyms : mirky
    Example Sentence
    • a murky dungeon
    • murky rooms lit by smoke-blackened lamps
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for murky

in telugu "murki" means dirty,so dirty is obviously dark

look for the hindi word mur..murtyu..means death ..so when someone who is on his /her death bed..to him/her life will appear DARK AND GLOOMY. ..as there all means of living have ended. basically taken from myrkr means dark, darkness

murky - Nurky i.e. like a nurk (hell)

Murky > Murgi? Murgi bhaag gayi, couldn't catch it because it was > Dark, gloomy, vague, thick with fog! Actually visibility kum the yaar!

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sounds like "darky"

murky = mu(munsoon)+r(rainy)+ ky (sky) = which is dark and gloomy

sounds like nark(hell)-dark n gloomy

murky=mur+ky -mud+key...if key of ur bike falls in mud n u lose it then it is definitely going depress u.

sound like dirty and blurry, which it is!

murky-> murgi, if you murgi dies you will be gloomy.

sounds milky .. which is hazy, unclear or vague

murky - if some1 in ure lie dies, ure life becomes dark and gloomy

u generally lurk in dark places

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