• word of the day


    serendipity - Dictionary definition and meaning for word serendipity

    (noun) good luck in making unexpected and fortunate discoveries
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for serendipity

if a DEITY shows PITY on you, you are LUCKY and you can DISCOVER GREAT THINGS.Serendipity=sudden+pity(divine)

Watch Serendipity movie & you will always remember this word.

SERENDIPITY is the PROSPERITY gained by the fortunate occurence of events by coincidence or chance.

the word sounds like as if u r hit on ur head.On newton's head apple fell n he discovered gravity.serendipity

SEREN (sharan in hindi means take the help of god) and then he shows pity on us... then we would have luck in every aspect... SEREN-di-pity

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