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    renovate - Dictionary definition and meaning for word renovate

    (verb) restore to a previous or better condition
    Synonyms : restitute
    Example Sentence
    • They renovated the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel
    (verb) make brighter and prettier
    Synonyms : freshen up , refurbish
    Example Sentence
    • we refurbished the guest wing
    • My wife wants us to renovate
    (verb) give new life or energy to
    Example Sentence
    • A hot soup will revive me
    • This will renovate my spirits
    • This treatment repaired my health
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for renovate

Re + innovate

renovate= renova sounds like RECOVA (a kind of wrinkle free cream)which clears your wrinkles by rejunevating your skin.

focus on nova (re+nova+ate) means new or nayaa

Re+inovate-When u repeatedly innovate u renew that thing i.e retore it to a better condition

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renovate ~~ rhymes with re"locate" --> which means re"store" to good condition :)

Word used in video below:
text: drawings ideas for how we could renovate
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