• word of the day


    espouse - Dictionary definition and meaning for word espouse

    (verb) choose and follow; as of theories, ideas, policies, strategies or plans
    Synonyms : adopt , follow
    Example Sentence
    • She followed the feminist movement
    • The candidate espouses Republican ideals
    (verb) take in marriage Definition
    (verb) take up the cause, ideology, practice, method, of someone and use it as one's own
    Synonyms : adopt , embrace , sweep up
    Example Sentence
    • She embraced Catholicism
    • They adopted the Jewish faith
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for espouse

pick the word spouse like the wife is the spouse of her husband and is always supportive of him.

a person and his spouse will adopt....

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ESPOUSE rhymes with MOUSE so MOUSE provides SUPPORT for the computer

Quite simple! - After e-mails,e(electronic)-weddings, it is now e-spouse in the internet era, espousing the modern tech world ideas.

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