• word of the day


    nonplussed - Dictionary definition and meaning for word nonplussed

    (adj) filled with bewilderment
    Synonyms : at a loss , nonplused , puzzled
    Example Sentence
    • at a loss to understand those remarks
    • puzzled that she left without saying goodbye
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for nonplussed


non plus, is it negative or positive? I am confused!

non-pluss think that you are not able to plus( do addition as in maths) thus not being able to perform a simple mathematical calculation will bewilder you!

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It is a plus to know what to do - and bewildering to be non-plussed

blessed is not confused. non-blessed is confused.

He don’t know how to plus 9 + 9. So he is nonplussed.

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