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    callus - Dictionary definition and meaning for word callus

    (noun) an area of skin that is thick or hard from continual pressure or friction (as the sole of the foot)
    Synonyms : callosity
    (noun) bony tissue formed during the healing of a fractured bone Definition
    (noun) (botany) an isolated thickening of tissue, especially a stiff protuberance on the lip of an orchid Definition
    (verb) cause a callus to form on
    Example Sentence
    • The long march had callused his feet
    (verb) form a callus or calluses
    Example Sentence
    • His foot callused
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for callus

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callous is hardened person callus is hardened skin !!

doctors(skin specialists) say call+us- in case of hardened skin

callus rhymes with kallis,the s.a cricketer..he is muscular n made up of thick hard skin:-)

cantankerous - focus on 'ankerous' sounds like angerous

Callus: cal = calcium. If we(us) are full of cal, we’re certainly hard --- hard skin.

Word used in video below:
text: drop my callus in the baked ziti
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