• word of the day


    mutinous - Dictionary definition and meaning for word mutinous

    (adj) disposed to or in a state of mutiny
    Example Sentence
    • the men became mutinous and insubordinate
    (adj) consisting of or characterized by or inciting to mutiny
    Example Sentence
    • mutinous acts
    • mutinous thoughts
    • a mutinous speech
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for mutinous

We all remember "Sepoy Mutiny" of 1857.

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try to extract mute + tiny from this word...so someone who is neither mute nor tiny... (in thoughts) can be rebellious. mutiny means open rebellion against constituted authority(especially by soldiers against their officers)

mute + ni= ab hum mutenirahengey= REBEL

mutans of xmen movie are rebellious

mutinous Moti(fat)+No fat person can be more rebellious

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