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    amiss - Dictionary definition and meaning for word amiss

    (adj) not functioning properly
    Synonyms : awry , haywire , wrong
    Example Sentence
    • something is amiss
    • has gone completely haywire
    • something is wrong with the engine
    (adv) away from the correct or expected course
    Synonyms : awry
    Example Sentence
    • something has gone awry in our plans
    • something went badly amiss in the preparations
    (adv) in an improper or mistaken or unfortunate manner
    Example Sentence
    • if you think him guilty you judge amiss
    • he spoke amiss
    • no one took it amiss when she spoke frankly
    (adv) in an imperfect or faulty way
    Synonyms : imperfectly
    Example Sentence
    • The lobe was imperfectly developed
    • Miss Bennet would not play at all amiss if she practiced more
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for amiss

amiss : i thought she was a miss, but it was amiss as she was a misses:)

a+miss.. miss.. when you miss to do something..important... that is your fault.. as you have missed something..

something is missing...so faulty, wrong..

a+miss -- a mistress is always "wrong" to keep!

she told me that it is WRONG that I dint MISS her

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A+miss : If u miss a catch your technique is wrong or faulty.

A MIS(S)take is something wrong so 'amiss' means wrong

AMISS<===> गलत (pr. \\galat \\ )[Adjective] Example:Every thing seems to be amiss -what to do?

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