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    merry - Dictionary definition and meaning for word merry

    (adj) full of or showing high-spirited merriment
    Synonyms : gay , jocund , jolly , jovial , mirthful
    Example Sentence
    • when hearts were young and gay
    • a poet could not but be gay, in such a jocund company
    • the jolly crowd at the reunion
    • jolly old Saint Nick
    • a jovial old gentleman
    • have a merry Christmas
    • peals of merry laughter
    • a mirthful laugh
    (adj) offering fun and gaiety
    Synonyms : festal , festive , gay
    Example Sentence
    • a festive (or festal) occasion
    • gay and exciting night life
    • a merry evening
    (adj) quick and energetic
    Synonyms : alert , brisk , lively , rattling , snappy , spanking , zippy
    Example Sentence
    • a brisk walk in the park
    • a lively gait
    • a merry chase
    • traveling at a rattling rate
    • a snappy pace
    • a spanking breeze

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text: - Merry Christmas! - Merry Christmas!
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