• word of the day


    brisk - Dictionary definition and meaning for word brisk

    (verb) become brisk
    Synonyms : brisk up , brisken
    Example Sentence
    • business brisked up
    (adj) quick and energetic
    Synonyms : alert , lively , merry , rattling , snappy , spanking , zippy
    Example Sentence
    • a brisk walk in the park
    • a lively gait
    • a merry chase
    • traveling at a rattling rate
    • a snappy pace
    • a spanking breeze
    (adj) imparting vitality and energy
    Synonyms : bracing , fresh , refreshful , refreshing , tonic
    Example Sentence
    • the bracing mountain air
    (adj) very active
    Example Sentence
    • doing a brisk business
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for brisk

(brisk)risk ----to take out a bra without risk u need to active and quick.

b(risk): to take a risk, you should be active and quick

brisk = bee + risk. Therefore, you need to be active and quick, or you'll be in danger.

B(business)+ risk will help only if you are quick and active

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