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   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for lout

lout => loud, a clumsy person is usually very loud, and remember empty vessel sound much.

reminds u of stout(euphemism for fat)..And stout ppl r generally clumsy

lout=laugh out....a person who Laughs OUT loudly for petty jokes(instead of just smiling)...is definitely an awkward,clumsy person to be with..synonyms barbarian=bufoon=bear=dolt=cad=oaf=lout ..:)

clout - c= person without clout(influence)is clumsy.

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L+out, out of life, absent mindedness or stupid person

people who believe in 'loot'(robbery) behave loutishly.

lout person will get clout.. (blow with a fist)

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