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    gawk - Dictionary definition and meaning for word gawk

    (noun) an awkward stupid person
    Synonyms : clod , goon , lout , lubber , lummox , lump , oaf , stumblebum
    (verb) look with amazement; look stupidly
    Synonyms : gape , gawp , goggle
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for gawk

I gawked at the hawk since I have never seen one before.


its simple (GA)ze (W)ith shoc(K).... it gives GAWK....

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Hindi :- when u go in GAAV [Village] den gaav ka log stare foolishly at you.Who is This Shehri-babu

The girl felt awkward when the shopkeeper gawked at her.

gawk can be taken as go (ga) + work (wk); Imagine your boss saying : "go and do your work, instead of gawking at office girls."

gawk -in nepali stupid person is said gawk.Or we can look the last section of word awk which means awkard or stupid

"Gaze" with "Awe"/or "Gaze" "Awkwardly"->open-mouthed awe

Word used in video below:
text: Bu-gawk!
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