• word of the day


    improvise - Dictionary definition and meaning for word improvise

    (verb) perform without preparation
    Example Sentence
    • he extemporized a speech at the wedding
    (verb) manage in a makeshift way; do with whatever is at hand
    Synonyms : extemporize
    Example Sentence
    • after the hurricane destroyed our house, we had to improvise for weeks
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for improvise

I m Pro vise=== I am proved wise as i have done it without actually preparing it before...

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Improvisation - Focus on improve ..you alwyas have to improve, at every moment, as per the need of the moment.

just 2 days b4 the comman wealth games AR rehman was told to improvise on the CWG theme song...and he did it beautifully...i.e. on the spur of the moment..without any preparation...

IMPROMPTU - WISE = Improvise

Im Pro Vise -- Concentrate on Pro (Expert) Vise (Advice) -- Any one who comes to me with a problem, I am PRO at giving adVISE instantly .. impromptu

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