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    ad-lib - Dictionary definition and meaning for word ad-lib

    (noun) remark made spontaneously without prior preparation
    Example Sentence
    • his ad-libs got him in trouble with the politicians
    (verb) perform without preparation
    Example Sentence
    • he extemporized a speech at the wedding
    (adj) with little or no preparation or forethought
    Example Sentence
    • his ad-lib comments showed poor judgment
    • an extemporaneous piano recital
    • an extemporary lecture
    • an extempore skit
    • an impromptu speech
    • offhand excuses
    • trying to sound offhanded and reassuring
    • an off-the-cuff toast
    • a few unrehearsed comments
    (adj) said or done without having been planned or written in advance
    Synonyms : spontaneous , unwritten
    Example Sentence
    • he made a few ad-lib remarks
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