• word of the day


    flagitious - Dictionary definition and meaning for word flagitious

    (adj) extremely wicked, deeply criminal
    Synonyms : heinous
    Example Sentence
    • a flagitious crime
    • heinous accusations
    (adj) shockingly brutal or cruel
    Synonyms : atrocious , grievous , monstrous
    Example Sentence
    • murder is an atrocious crime
    • a grievous offense against morality
    • a grievous crime
    • no excess was too monstrous for them to commit
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for flagitious

FLAGITIOUS; Remember RED FLAG which is bad news.

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flag+hit+us..He hit national flag in front of us..extremely cruel act..

The serial killer waved a white flag once he was apprehended by police and was willing to give himself up.

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