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    atrocious - Dictionary definition and meaning for word atrocious

    (adj) shockingly brutal or cruel
    Synonyms : flagitious , grievous , monstrous
    Example Sentence
    • murder is an atrocious crime
    • a grievous offense against morality
    • a grievous crime
    • no excess was too monstrous for them to commit
    (adj) exceptionally bad or displeasing
    Example Sentence
    • atrocious taste
    • abominable workmanship
    • an awful voice
    • dreadful manners
    • a painful performance
    • terrible handwriting
    • an unspeakable odor came sweeping into the room
    (adj) provoking horror
    Synonyms : frightful , horrible , horrifying , ugly
    Example Sentence
    • an atrocious automobile accident
    • a frightful crime of decapitation
    • an alarming, even horrifying, picture
    • war is beyond all words horrible
    • an ugly wound
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for atrocious

a terror like..

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a+ terror + city + us, which is very bad, unpleasant & very cruel and shocking

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