• word of the day


    consolidate - Dictionary definition and meaning for word consolidate

    (verb) unite into one
    Example Sentence
    • The companies consolidated
    (verb) make firm or secure; strengthen
    Example Sentence
    • consolidate one's gains
    • consolidate one's hold on first place
    (verb) bring together into a single whole or system
    Example Sentence
    • The town and county schools are being consolidated
    (verb) form into a solid mass or whole
    Example Sentence
    • The mud had consolidated overnight
    (verb) make or form into a solid or hardened mass
    Example Sentence
    • consolidate fibers into boards
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for consolidate

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con + SOLID +ate , in solid the molecules are united . Solid always unites the molecules . So remember consolidate means - unite to one

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