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    excavate - Dictionary definition and meaning for word excavate

    (verb) recover through digging
    Synonyms : unearth
    Example Sentence
    • Schliemann excavated Troy
    • excavate gold
    (verb) find by digging in the ground
    Synonyms : dig up , turn up
    Example Sentence
    • I dug up an old box in the garden
    (verb) form by hollowing
    Example Sentence
    • Carnegie had a lake excavated for Princeton University's rowing team
    • excavate a cavity
    (verb) remove the inner part or the core of
    Synonyms : dig , hollow
    Example Sentence
    • the mining company wants to excavate the hillside
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for excavate

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+cav+ate— we say road caved in, so cav means a hole,

ex (extract) + cav (cave) + ate : EXtract the monuments by digging CAVE into the earth which the earth ATE long time back

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