• word of the day


    yeoman - Dictionary definition and meaning for word yeoman

    (noun) officer in the (ceremonial) bodyguard of the British monarch Definition
    (noun) in former times was free and cultivated his own land
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yeo(young)+man.....so a middle class young man who owns a farm.

May b this wud help: YE-O-MAN : MAN-OF-YEAR , the man of the year award goes to a middle class man and U wud be amazed to know dat he is a farmer !

relate with yo-man . A self satisfied middle class farmer always says yo man.

Yeoman=young + man ..There was a young man in the movie who always wanted to live independently… so he refused to become a servant and he took some loan and owned a piece of land to cultivate independently ..dis is the meaning.

Yeoman can be compared to ploughman. A yeoman is someone who owns a piece of land and is free to cultivate it, while a ploughman makes one's way laboriously. They are both, therefore using physical resources.

The republic of YEMEN is a very SMALL PLACE

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