• word of the day


    worthy - Dictionary definition and meaning for word worthy

    (noun) an important, honorable person (word is often used humorously)
    Example Sentence
    • he told his story to some conservative worthies
    • local worthies rarely challenged the chief constable
    (adj) having worth or merit or value; being honorable or admirable
    Example Sentence
    • a worthy fellow
    • a worthy cause
    (adj) worthy of being chosen especially as a spouse
    Synonyms : desirable , suitable
    Example Sentence
    • the parents found the girl suitable for their son
    (adj) having qualities or abilities that merit recognition in some way
    Example Sentence
    • behavior worthy of reprobation
    • a fact worthy of attention
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for worthy

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wor (in hindi is groom in english), he is important and honorable

Word used in video below:
text: list he's he's not worthy
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