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    waggish - Dictionary definition and meaning for word waggish

    (adj) witty or joking
    Example Sentence
    • Muskrat Castle as the house has been facetiously named by some waggish officer
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for waggish

Waggish, or say we just take wag out of it and compare it with gag, what we get, is 'joke'... a witty joke.

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Waggish rhymes with GAG-GISH one who perform lots of GAGS he is MISCHIEVIOUS..remember JUST FOR LAUGH GAGS

Waggish--मजाक करके भागिस (= मजाक करके भाग गया )

A dog always WAG(GISH) his tail. Dog is Mischiveous and tricky.

Remember the character "SHAGGY" in Scooby Doo? He is the comedian of the show who always passes funny and witty comments and acts like a joker. Waggish sounds similar to Shaggy.

waggish sounds like rag+sh.... so while ragging they stopped by saying shhh!! by seeing their lectures .they r so tricky here

waggish...wag+ish....wag..chatter..or talk....being witty or joking.

wag-gish- mischievous dog wags his tail and acts like wag(tiger).this is funny.

nowadays,there is so much rubbish,therefore we need some TRICKS to despose them

Waggish = Gaggish = Gag = JOke

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