• word of the day


    wage - Dictionary definition and meaning for word wage

    (noun) something that remunerates
    Synonyms : earnings , pay , remuneration , salary
    Example Sentence
    • wages were paid by check
    • he wasted his pay on drink
    • they saved a quarter of all their earnings
    (verb) carry on (wars, battles, or campaigns)
    Synonyms : engage
    Example Sentence
    • Napoleon and Hitler waged war against all of Europe
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for wage

WAGE is given to person and he is told to continue with war.paise leke zagda chalu rakho.

Powered by Mnemonic Dictionary

seperate wage into parts ~ wa(lk) & go ~ means start and continue to going

when somebody gets wage for his word than only he/she continues his work

Wage sounds similar to salvage. While wage, (apart from payment) means to engage in war, salvage means to rescue from loss or destruction.

Word used in video below:
text: and anyway he's lost his wage he's a
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