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    vigilant - Dictionary definition and meaning for word vigilant

    (adj) carefully observant or attentive; on the lookout for possible danger
    Synonyms : argus-eyed , open-eyed , wakeful
    Example Sentence
    • a policy of open-eyed awareness
    • the vigilant eye of the town watch
    • there was a watchful dignity in the room
    • a watchful parent with a toddler in tow
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for vigilant

VI-gi-LAN-t(vilan): vilan in movies are very WATCHFUL and ALERT of heros activities

vigil (is to watch carefully)+ ant. One who watches carefully.

In IGI game you have to be very vigilant...i.e. keep a careful watch..hope u r a gamer!!

vigilant : hamara dost vigi [vicky] hamare office ke lan ka vigilant karata hai [care karata hai]

In harry potter mad eye moody always says "CONSTANT VIGILANCE"which means watch carefuly

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In VIGILANT some part of it sounds like WHISTLE..so think like this who WHISTLES in the night a GURKA or WATCHMAN who doesn't sleep in the night the are wakeful n cautious

v+igi+lan+t—V(we) at IGI airport have to KEENLY ALERT AND WATCHFUL TO DETECT DANGER at LAN(local area network) of airport to protect it from getting hacked by hackers

Vigilant and prudent have the same sounds and meaning - to be on your guard.

An elephANT is very vigilANT when it comes to mice

Word used in video below:
text: with a less than vigilant proprietor
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