• word of the day


    vestige - Dictionary definition and meaning for word vestige

    (noun) an indication that something has been present
    Synonyms : shadow , tincture , trace
    Example Sentence
    • there wasn't a trace of evidence for the claim
    • a tincture of condescension
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for vestige

think of in + vestigate, where we look for traces or remains of something.

sounds like wastage which is the remains of something.

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think of prestige... the historical monuments that are still there are a vestige

Think if Investigation. While investigating, one traces truth

sound like wastage....appendix in human beings is a wastage coz its of no use....hence VESTIGE

like vestigial organs are trace elements of evolution

Vestige ... make it vestigial and compare it to journal. They both refer to a record or trace of something.

Word used in video below:
text: about most civvy is the last vestige of
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