• word of the day


    venerable - Dictionary definition and meaning for word venerable

    (adj) impressive by reason of age
    Example Sentence
    • a venerable sage with white hair and beard
    (adj) profoundly honored
    Synonyms : august , revered
    Example Sentence
    • revered holy men
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for venerable


VANAR(monkeys in the Ramayana ) were ABLE to respect HANUMAN because he was the strongest of them all.

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Venerable politicians are vulnerable to attacks because they are savory.

VULNERABLE innocent tigers must be made venerable to protect them

its similar to vunerable in the sense that it stands for old which is somewhat vunerable.its opposite to vunerable in the sense that it is respectful as opposite to vuneramle which is generally not respected

when + able >>> when u r an ABLE, people will HONOR U and RESPECT U...

venerate - vener(hot water in tamil). Give high respect or else will pour hot

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