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    veneer - Dictionary definition and meaning for word veneer

    (noun) coating consisting of a thin layer of superior wood glued to a base of inferior wood
    Synonyms : veneering
    (noun) an ornamental coating to a building
    Synonyms : facing
    (verb) cover with veneer
    Example Sentence
    • veneer the furniture to protect it
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for veneer

veneer .. in hindi neer means water .. so ve-neer seems like Be Neer .. Be water .. thin layer like that of water .. hence the meaning

surface of PANEER is very VANEER

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veneer sounds like elaneer (tender coconut). and inside elaneer there ll be a thin layer of white edible coconut. so veneer = thin layer

Your friend saw your furniture and was awed. He asked "when" it was bought, to which you replied " a year" ago. It looks new because of the "veneer"

: when VE(we) travel in train, VE(we) get railNEER, which has a thin covering outside to decorate

veneer:ven(when)+eer(beer).so my mother caught me and asked me when did u drink beer as i could not COVER it before her.

ve=we + neer (pani=water in hindi),we have coated thin layer of water on wall to test this water proof paint.

(looking) very new because of outer layer

sounds like thiner for paint..........which is usually creats a thin layer if used solo

venerate - vener(hot water in tamil). So will cover hand with a thin layer of cloth for safety

Word used in video below:
text: the veneer and I will get married oh my
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