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    undulate - Dictionary definition and meaning for word undulate

    (verb) stir up (water) so as to form ripples
    Synonyms : cockle , riffle , ripple , ruffle
    (verb) occur in soft rounded shapes
    Synonyms : roll
    Example Sentence
    • The hills rolled past
    (verb) move in a wavy pattern or with a rising and falling motion
    Synonyms : flap , roll , wave
    Example Sentence
    • The curtains undulated
    • the waves rolled towards the beach
    (verb) increase and decrease in volume or pitch, as if in waves
    Example Sentence
    • The singer's voice undulated
    (adj) having a wavy margin and rippled surface
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for undulate

I have been able to remember this as 'Modulation'. change in a wave like manner.


unda's (eggs) staced next to each other will look like a wave

Powered by Mnemonic Dictionary

und= wave, flow; abundant :: overflow, plentiful; redundant:: too much flows, excess; inundate:: in the flow,flooded ; undulate:: move like waves. Example::undulating hills

undulate sounds like fluctuate

(Imagine an ANT walking over its eggs(unda)…. That’s some what like an undulating motion…..)

Like the oscillations of a pendulum

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