• word of the day


    unbridled - Dictionary definition and meaning for word unbridled

    (adj) not restrained or controlled
    Synonyms : unchecked , uncurbed , ungoverned
    Example Sentence
    • unbridled rage
    • an unchecked temper
    • ungoverned rage
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for unbridled

unbridled - bridle is hand gear of horse...imagine if horse is unbridled... it is violent.........

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(unbridled ~ un + bride) focus on bride; a bride should be in a husband's control, if not then she is UNBRIDLED (not in control)

unbridle - u can quickly remember bridal or bride and so you think about marriage and barat (where the relatives dance) ... every body was drunk and hence the situation became voilent and uncontrollable..

UN(not)+BRIDEled(bride means girl on her marriage day)...people who don't have brides are uncontrolled....

Some say that even a uncontrollable and violent person will turn to be good once he gets married with bride

unbridled ===> like a bride. In hindu wedding, the bride at the end suddenly gets a VIOLENT fit n starts crying.

think of bride and marriage. when ur marital relation gets 'violent' then you un-bride i.e u divorce

un-bridled un-pride without manner, without control.

Unbridled and kindled. His unbridled rage was further kindled by his sister.

bridle means torestrain or curb.so, unbridled means not restrained or violent

Word used in video below:
text: Unbridled rage even more so.
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