• word of the day


    trappings - Dictionary definition and meaning for word trappings

    (noun) (usually plural) accessory wearing apparel
    Synonyms : furnishing
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for trappings

there is a chance that outward decorations may trap you. Hence always follow the interiors rather than getting trapped by trappings.

when we set up a TRAP (ie pitfall) we decorate the top with grass and dirt, so that people don't notice the trap and falls in.

Trappings -> toppings(Pizza) Used to decorate and giver better taste :D

TRAPPINGS are accessories or symbols of status.

People are generally TRAPPED for their ORNAMENTS,Decorative things on their body

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don't fall in trap by watching the outward decoration/ornamentation of a slut.


trappings - sounds like DRAPINGs - drape is to dress - so it could mean the outward dress

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