• word of the day


    torpor - Dictionary definition and meaning for word torpor

    (noun) a state of motor and mental inactivity with a partial suspension of sensibility
    Synonyms : torpidity
    Example Sentence
    • he fell into a deep torpor
    (noun) inactivity resulting from lethargy and lack of vigor or energy
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for torpor

Well its quite opposite to what is a topper who is naturally diligent

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tor-por....TORRENT PAR..........TORRENT PAR most of the seeders were INACTIVE due to which downloading the movie becomes a SLUGGISH task....

RAJ THAKERY TO MNS PEOPLE.."aaj tum sab itne LATHARGIC,SLUGGISH kyu lag rahe ho? hume kal THOD PHOD karne jana hai...yaad hai na?",,,,,,,,:)

Torpedo is fast and speedy...while torpor is opposite to torpedo

sounds like tapori, who is very lazy

Suppose you are very much disturbed with something and then you go back to your room and cause destruction i.e tod phod( in hindi language).. After you are finished with your desrtruction you feel tired and lack in energy,

Torpor and Torpid means almost the same. Lazy and inactive. Tor- tortoise which means slow. But be careful about torpedo, which means the exact opposite.

tor - phor means breaking everything.. OPPOSITE .. lack of energy - lethargy

As in " tar par latka hua ho.. aalsi hai "

sounds like tod-phod.. person who does tod-phod is very active..Opposite of that is lethargy

A TOPPER is never a TORPOR ....he studies with vigor

tor-por is tod- phod, in hindi, after you are finished with tod-phod, you get lazy and sluggish...

torpor = tor por; The ppl who are always saying after that is always lazy.

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