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    tonsure - Dictionary definition and meaning for word tonsure

    (noun) the shaved crown of a monk's or priest's head Definition
    (noun) shaving the crown of the head by priests or members of a monastic order Definition
    (verb) shave the head of a newly inducted monk
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for tonsure

u have to be ton sure before u shave ure head

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TO+INSURE…….its a RELIGIOUS RITUAL TO INSURE SHAVING OF HEAD of every male in the family whenever an elder in the family dies

TONSURE - TO MAKE SURE that the head is clean-shaven (tonsured).

tonsure means in hindi takla for sure

break like TONSIL+SURE(head)- so if somebody gets tonsil on his head then he would need to get head shaved.

TONSURE = TON + SURE = TAN + SURE Tirupati ke balaji where u go whenur heart is devoted and to make SURE ur TAN (body) is also devoted u do TONSURE

TOnSURE with "n" silent sounds like ocher. Now, not even saintly figures in the east wear ocher clothes and have a TOnSURE head.

TonSURE - Thirupathi - Sure head shaving!

Ton-sur:Barbar play Thom Thom on sir(head)

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