• word of the day


    tessellated - Dictionary definition and meaning for word tessellated

    (adj) having a checkered or mottled appearance Definition
    (adj) decorated with small pieces of colored glass or stone fitted together in a mosaic
    Example Sentence
    • a tessellated pavement
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for tessellated


Tessellated and Decorated have somewhat similar sounds. The Taj Mahal is tessellated or decorated with mosaic art.

TESSELATED can be split as TESt+ELATED..i was very ELATED to have skipped de TESt.the reason being,i fell on the MOSAIC floor....so TESSELATED means MOSAIC

tessellated has 'essel' in it, Think of 'Essel World' is decorated with each small things.

latin tessella means diminutive, tiny.. so tessellated means anything combined tiny parts(may be homogeneous may be different)

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