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    temerity - Dictionary definition and meaning for word temerity

    (noun) fearless daring
    Synonyms : audaciousness , audacity
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for temerity

Temerity (boldness) is the opposite of timidity, which means fear or shyness.

T+ marry+t...if u will break d word like dis den u will find out meaning...Think like dis dat v need alot of BOLDNESS to marry,v hav 2hold our NERVE b4 dis step

: te+merit+y—if you have merit(academic excellence) then you will be excessive confident and fearless

remember the word tremor.. meaning shaking with fear so a temer person doesn't have tremors...

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temerity is opposite of timorous which means timid in nature

teri mitti mein kadam rakhne ki BOLDNESS hai mujhmein

Use the verb "temper" which means to restrain/ control. Fear nor danger could TEMPER his TEMERITY.


THIMURU - in tamil.. those who know.. u can work out the remaining

Remember of Rakhi Sawant she has such foolish boldness (temerity)..... lolzzzz

sounds like tees maar khan who is very bold and rash.

temerity ( team and rift ) when you are in team you are bold and do not afraid from people who have rift with you

temerity = Team has merit, so we are fearless daring.

TEMERITY = the + merity; The merit people is always fearless daring.

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