• word of the day


    tautological - Dictionary definition and meaning for word tautological

    (adj) repetition of same sense in different words
    Example Sentence
    • `a true fact' and `a free gift' are pleonastic expressions
    • the phrase `a beginner who has just started' is tautological
    • at the risk of being redundant I return to my original proposition
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for tautological

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tota (parrot) repeats what u say !!

TAU+TAU+logical....tau is coming twice at different places...

(for biological students)Remember tautonomy= practice of naming animal having same Genus and species name. ex: spotted deer=Axis axis

Tautology and Monotony have somewhat similar sounds, but they have the same meaning i.e to happen repeatedly.

For computer students, discrete mathematics contains step to prove one equation is same as other.

Addition to Userdce's mnemonic...... Tau + Tau + Logic - Repeating the same logic using different repeated words

Thatha in tamil means grandfather.. old people repeat the what they say all the time

Tauto - Logical-- Taut students logically, don't repeat the chapter every time.

strut- truck

what do u find looking at the mnemonics stated for this wors...? mr.sravan unnecessarily repeating the same thing..

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