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    tantrum - Dictionary definition and meaning for word tantrum

    (noun) a display of bad temper
    Synonyms : conniption , fit , scene
    Example Sentence
    • he had a fit
    • she threw a tantrum
    • he made a scene
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for tantrum

sounds like "tantra mantra". We do tantra mantra to get rid of the bad temper if someone has due to evil souls entering someone's body

ant in Rum ----> make u angry, ill tempered !

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TAINT+RUM....taint means spot.....after seeing taint of rum on my friend's shirt,his mother lost her temper

tantrum= t + an(=angry) + t + rum(=run) .... if someone gets angry, they run into a fit of bad temper.or ( rum pine ke baad tent mein tantrum hua..)

Word used in video below:
text: That was the lamest tantrum I've ever seen.
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