• word of the day


    surly - Dictionary definition and meaning for word surly

    (adj) inclined to anger or bad feelings with overtones of menace
    Synonyms : ugly
    Example Sentence
    • a surly waiter
    • an ugly frame of mind
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for surly

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sur+ly......focus on sur....SOUNDS LIKE SIR......so THINK OF our school SIR...who was very BAD TEMPERED AND RUDE..who use to beat us whenever we hadn't completed our home work on time................

surly..sirly very much like are sirs who are rude and irritating

Liz Hurley is beautiful model but her sister ( ((/* not true ! *\)) Liz surley is a ugly woman.

SURLY sounds like cURLY. cURLY and Moe are SURLY when they bop each other on the head and hit each other.

surly->sirly implies like a sir.Think of a sir who was rude to you

SoUR attitude

surly=sir +li bad tempered unfriendly sir ne le li achche se...

SIR ne humari bohot LEE, we became surly towards him.

Surly - girl who is "Surla" type very apprehensive and aggressive

Boston Legals Has a BadTempered Person named "Sherly"

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