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    supplicant - Dictionary definition and meaning for word supplicant

    (noun) someone who prays to God
    Synonyms : prayer
    (noun) one praying humbly for something
    Synonyms : petitioner , requester , suppliant
    Example Sentence
    • a suppliant for her favors
    (adj) humbly entreating
    Synonyms : suppliant , supplicatory
    Example Sentence
    • a suppliant sinner seeking forgiveness
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for supplicant

One who says ..SUPPLy me I CANT get it on my own..

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akin to suppliant. i.e., one who is suppliant (asks something humbly).

one who SUpplies the aPPLICANT(SUPPLIANT)

KATE Winslet from the Titanic wanted a SUPPLY of breast implants, she had to PLEAD/BEG/supplicate her husband to buy them for her to look good in the scene.

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