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    supercilious - Dictionary definition and meaning for word supercilious

    (adj) having or showing arrogant superiority to and disdain of those one views as unworthy
    Example Sentence
    • some economists are disdainful of their colleagues in other social disciplines
    • haughty aristocrats
    • his lordly manners were offensive
    • walked with a prideful swagger
    • very sniffy about breaches of etiquette
    • his mother eyed my clothes with a supercilious air
    • a more swaggering mood than usual
    (adj) expressive of contempt
    Synonyms : sneering , snide
    Example Sentence
    • curled his lip in a supercilious smile
    • spoke in a sneering jeering manner
    • makes many a sharp comparison but never a mean or snide one
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for supercilious

split it like SUPER+CILI(sounds like SILLY)+o+US......now think of our SUPER SENIORs in our college . ..who were very ARROGANT IN NATURE..and were very keen to exhibit their superiority over us hence treated us in a very silly way..

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but basically this word is taken from latin supercilium...which when splited means super + cilium means eyelid.....so moving your eyelid in a way which exhibit your pride......and arrogance...

SUPER+FEELious....whenyou feel that you are superior, you become showy,pompous ......

Supercilious = Super + chilly(ous) i.e. when we eat food with a Super amount (a lot of) of chilly we express contempt towards the person who cooked it.

Arrogant people think rest of the world is "super silly".

split the word super+cilia+ ous: Cilia means hair.so supercilia can assumed to mean someone with lots of hair,long haired,john abraham wannabe's.These guy usually come of as arrogant.

super-chilli-ous chilli means hot and can also be related to arrogant

super(above)+ cilia (hair): Think of a person's condescending, patronizing expression where he/she lifts one eyebrow up.

super+cilia. Cilia are TINY hairlike function of a cell, so if there is a SUPER CILIA in the group, he (cilia) will be haughty and mighty among others.

Supercilious : just a "Super- Silly-Ass " person...

iam SUPER...u are SILLY :P

supercilious = super + cili (silly) + ous; i.e making unnecessary things.

You Wanna remember, use this-- "super silly ass " and you'll remember the basic sense of supercilious.

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