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    stratify - Dictionary definition and meaning for word stratify

    (verb) divide society into social classes or castes
    Example Sentence
    • Income distribution often stratifies a society
    (verb) form layers or strata
    Example Sentence
    • The rock stratifies
    (verb) develop different social levels, classes, or castes
    Example Sentence
    • Society stratifies when the income gap widens
    (verb) form, arrange, or deposit in layers
    Example Sentence
    • The fish are stratified in barrels
    • The rock was stratified by the force of the water
    • A statistician stratifies the list of names according to the addresses
    (verb) render fertile and preserve by placing between layers of earth or sand
    Example Sentence
    • stratify seeds
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for stratify

ryhmes with CLASSIFY

stratosphere divides troposphere and outer spheres same is true for stratify which divides classes

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