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    stoic - Dictionary definition and meaning for word stoic

    (noun) a member of the ancient Greek school of philosophy founded by Zeno
    Example Sentence
    • a Stoic achieves happiness by submission to destiny
    (noun) someone who is seemingly indifferent to emotions
    Synonyms : unemotional person
    (adj) seeming unaffected by pleasure or pain; impassive
    Synonyms : stoical
    Example Sentence
    • stoic courage
    • stoic patience
    • a stoical sufferer
    (adj) pertaining to Stoicism or its followers
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Think: "Stone-like"--> To be like a stone means you don't experience pleasure or pain. You are unaffected.

STOIC sounds similar to TOY (if that 'c' is removed)...a toy is impassive and unmoved by joy or grief

STOIC = STO (ie stony) + IC (ie icy) meaning thereby stony n icy...unaffected n emotionless

sTOIc,,,,,,, TOI stands for Times of Inda, the newspaper,,, and their articles are indifferent to emotion and bias

stoic:s+toy: at the age of playing with toys, child shows no emotions.

a child was very happy as his new toy would be coming. but seeing that the toy is made up of stone he turned stoic



story becomes stoic after being dry i.e. unemotional.

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