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    stilted - Dictionary definition and meaning for word stilted

    (adj) artificially formal
    Synonyms : artificial , contrived , hokey
    Example Sentence
    • that artificial humility that her husband hated
    • contrived coyness
    • a stilted letter of acknowledgment
    • when people try to correct their speech they develop a stilted pronunciation
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for stilted

The woman wore STILletos to the formal party to artificially increase her height.

Stilt refer to either of those long, slender poles (artificial legs) used to raise or elevate oneself above ground. so stilted concversations are artificial and pretentiosly formal ones.

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stilted - style + tilted - its not a real style but a tilted or contrived one

Stilts are rods on which jokers walk to appear taller.Imagine how such a person would be.He would be stiff as he cant afford falling.

stilted sounds like steal Ted, so when someone steals your Ted (Teddy bear), you give a stilted shout.

when you are stilted you are still and tilted

Stilted~Chill+ted;suppose that TED(a common name) is a normal guy but he wants to appear cool(derive from chill), modern,like dude etc...so his manner would be bombastic (affected) and pompous...full dikhava,ostentatiousness !

if u r titled, you ae obviously uneasy

imagine a drunk man when he is bombastic he musta be tilted.

Chill-->TED-->Cool-->derived from chill-->affected--> pompous--> and Finally Pretentious? Ostentatious? GOsh!!

In stiletto 'stil' refers to artificial elevation so stilt means artificial elevation in voice.

tilted >>> a tilted pose is not actually a natural pose, its actually an ARTIFICIAL pose taken for some photograph or something..

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