• word of the day


    stalemate - Dictionary definition and meaning for word stalemate

    (noun) a situation in which no progress can be made or no advancement is possible
    Synonyms : dead end , deadlock , impasse , standstill
    Example Sentence
    • reached an impasse on the negotiations
    (noun) drawing position in chess: any of a player's possible moves would place his king in check Definition
    (verb) subject to a stalemate
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for stalemate

STALE(bad) + MATE(lifemate) -> You have got a bad life mate, and now you cannot do anything about it, you are at a standstill, a deadlock.

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sounds like CHECKMATE..in chess i.e deadend ,u cant do anything!!

CHECKMATE..and also STALE(dead matter)+MATE = DEADLOCK!

s+tale+mate—if you got lifeMATE with a TALE, you cannot do anything, you are at a STANDSTILL, DEADLOCK

You stole somebody's mate. And when you see him, you are quite embarrassed.

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