• word of the day


    spurious - Dictionary definition and meaning for word spurious

    (adj) plausible but false
    Synonyms : specious
    Example Sentence
    • a specious claim
    • spurious inferences
    (adj) born out of wedlock
    Synonyms : bastardly , misbegot , misbegotten
    Example Sentence
    • the dominions of both rulers passed away to their spurious or doubtful offspring
    (adj) intended to deceive
    Synonyms : inauthentic , unauthentic
    Example Sentence
    • a spurious work of art
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for spurious

s-PURE+ious...pure means true...spurious means the opposite of it..which is FALSE,CONTERFEIT

Sounds like "furious". You get furious when you hear spurious arguments.

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Read it: s-poor-ious argument.

s pur ious- sounds like "s its pure lies"

to "spurn" means to reject. So you SPURn anything that is SPURious (false).

The polka dotted sponges in the aquarium were not the real, rare ones living in the ocean. They were fake.

Split "Spurious" into spur+ious, where spur means instantly(spur of the moment). So anything done without much thought and immediately can result in falsehood or may be illogical.

you get furious when you get spurious (counterfeit)dollar bills

the fast and the spurious.lol

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