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    spat - Dictionary definition and meaning for word spat

    (noun) a quarrel about petty points Definition
    (noun) a cloth covering (a legging) that covers the instep and ankles
    Synonyms : gaiter
    (noun) a young oyster or other bivalve Definition
    (verb) come down like raindrops
    Example Sentence
    • Bullets were spatting down on us
    (verb) become permanently attached
    Example Sentence
    • mollusks or oysters spat
    (verb) strike with a sound like that of falling rain
    Example Sentence
    • Bullets were spatting the leaves
    (verb) clap one's hands or shout after performances to indicate approval
    Synonyms : acclaim , applaud , clap
    (verb) engage in a brief and petty quarrel Definition
    (verb) spawn
    Example Sentence
    • oysters spat
    (verb) clap one's hands together
    Synonyms : clap
    Example Sentence
    • The children were clapping to the music
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for spat

spat-sounds like >spit-and when you spit on someone it leads to a minor quarrel.

patting sound is heard when it is raining or when someone slaps u

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in nepali -- "PYAATA PITNE"....so gets little angry

s pat me i have done a good job a son telling to his dad

Word used in video below:
text: It's a little spat.
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